Sunday, August 18, 2013

21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionairies

1. Dream big dreams.
2. Develop a clear sense of direction.
3. See yourself as self employeed.
4. Do what you love to do.
5. Commit to excellence.
6. Develop a workaholic mentality.
7. Dedicate yourself to life long learning.
8. Pay yourself first.
9. Learn every detail of you business.
10. Dedicate yourself to serving others.
11. Be impeccably honest with yourself and others.
12. Set Priorities on your activities and concerntrate single mindedly on one thing at a time.
13. Develop a reputation for speed and dependability.
14. Be prepared to climb from peak to peak in your life and in your career.
15. Practice self-discipline in all things.
16. Unlock your inborn creativity.
17. Get around the right people.
18. Take excellent care of your physical health.
19. Be decisive and action oriented.
20. Never consider the possibility of failure.
21. Do everything with the twin qualities of persistence and determination.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

10 Reasons why people loss their JOB

1. Failure to keep current in their Job.
2. Poor relationship skill.
3. Moral failure.
4. Failure to carry out assignments.
5. Failure to take initiative.
6. Negative talk.
7. Laziness.
8. Attitude of entitlement (right to get).
9. Failure to demonstrate productivity.
10. Self-centered attitude.